
The Musical Museum tells the changing story of how people have captured and listened to music over the last four centuries. From tiny music boxes to the Mighty Wurlitzer theatre organ in our concert hall, the collection includes an impressive array of instruments and inventions, including reproducing pianos, orchestrions, self-playing violins, pipe organs, gramophones & synthesizers. Find out how music was recorded and reproduced, see and hear them in action.  


We offer guided tours and a variety of LIVE concerts and other events, complete with new social distancing (but still social!) arrangements. Our café has views over the river, there's a small car park, and we're easily accessible via public transport. The Museum's theatre and live streaming facilities also make us a unique, safe and flexible venue for hire.

6 Collections

(Boops over the last month...)

Musical Museum Gallery 3: Hear Me Play
by musicalmuseum PRIVATE
Musical Museum Gallery 3: How I Work
by musicalmuseum PRIVATE
Musical Museum Gallery 2: Hear Me Play
by musicalmuseum PRIVATE
Musical Museum Gallery 2: How I Work
by musicalmuseum PRIVATE
Musical Museum Gallery 1: Hear Me Play
by musicalmuseum PRIVATE
Musical Museum Gallery 1: How I Work
by musicalmuseum PRIVATE

4 Boxes

9 collections
3 boops, last one 4 years ago
9 collections
7 boops, last one 4 years ago
9 collections
2,823 boops, last one 21 hours ago
8 collections
39 boops, last one 3 years ago