Mediterranean Marketplaces: Connecting with Artifacts

6 objects

Created by AjaHSM


akkadian, ancient, coin, cuneiform, figurine, horse, juglet, weaving
(We'll make these links soon.)



A companion application for the gallery exhibit Mediterranean Marketplaces: Connecting the Ancient World at the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East.

Modern consumers use the Internet and digital banking to acquire the latest products, but ancient peoples were also connected via complex marketplaces where they traded, bought, and sold goods across their known world, and beyond.

Engage with the busy lives of farmers, craftsman, travelers, and traders in Mediterranean Marketplaces: Connecting the Ancient World, a new exhibition at the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East. Discover ancient tablets and money used to facilitate commerce, and stunning ceramic, glass, and metal-work traded across the region. Use multimedia displays to examine the details of ancient objects. View underwater video of a Phoenician shipwreck and peer into a cross-section of the ship’s hold. Explore a life-size Iron-Age house and touch replicas of antiquities on display.

This collection is on 1 box!

4 collections
135 boops, last one 2 months ago